
Statue of Liberty-runyak-Gateway Arch

   DAY 75 FLINT TO ST. LOUIS DAY 2 CHICAGO TO ST LOUIS September 18, 2022 Have not  subscribe d yet? send an email address Alas, some days do not go as planned, and DAY 75 was one of them, and it started with an awesome idea. An idea that began weeks prior. Always before the actual runyak I look for possible launches and landings. The planned water route for connecting Lady Liberty to the Arch out from Chicago is: the Chicago River/Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, to the Des Plaines River, to the Illinois River, to the Mississippi.  Weeks before this Chicago trip, I searched using Google Earth, to find exit points for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. They were scarce because miles of industrial shipping complexes, the canal seemed to be nothing but seawalls and boulders. There were two marinas but they were gated, not meant for public use. I did notice that after the second day of runyaking, the canal would be paralleling the Des Plaines River. Knowing a river would have more acc

Statue of Liberty-runyak-Gateway Arch

DAY 74 FLINT TO ST. LOUIS DAY 1 CHICAGO TO ST LOUIS September 17, 2022 Well, my runyaking adventures have continued. All along I figured I would not stop runyaking once arriving in Chicago. I just didn’t want to state it outwardly. I don’t like biting off more than I might be able to chew, but if I made it to Chicago, and was still healthy, I would continue. This old body of mine is beginning to creak, but there still are some miles left. My goal now is to try runyaking to St Louis. I then can say I’ve connected Statue of Liberty and the Gateway Arch by runyaking. I’ll call this  Phase IV  of my runyaking adventures.  Phase I  was 57 days over four years: from Flint River to Niagara Falls,  Phase II  was five years, 59 days: Niagara to Statue of Statue of Liberty,  Phase III : 73 days over five years: Flint to Chicago. The total at the bon voyage of  Phase IV  is 189 days, 3,810 runyak miles. Back in 2012 I stopped sharing my stories, via emails, to nearly 150 recipients. I had fun wit